Time to Dive In


Photo by Jeff Howard (Creative Commons)

Something has been building up inside me.

With every word I write, every moment I’m awake, a quiet voice keeps telling me, ” Go get in the water. Get in the water now. It’s time to sink or swim.”

So what if you get a little water up your nose or scratch yourself on a rock?


The time has come to get to work.

Even if that involves diving into unknown waters.

There are many sharks out there ready for a snack, but fatigue, laziness and distractions are the real enemies.

I’m diving in. I might do a painful belly-smacker that is anything but graceful, but I don’t care.

My first children’s book, The Shiny Red Guitar, is going to be published this year.

I am still working on this list for 2012 and will continue to move forward with the variety of tasks at hand.

What are you going to finish this year?

About jimwoodswrites
I write books, help other writers create great content, and challenge you to crush the status quo as a coach.

6 Responses to Time to Dive In

  1. Lizzie says:

    Yes! Sometimes you just have to get your blood pumping and dive in (especially on those days when nothing else seems to get you to your desk). Congrats on the new book! This year I plan to get a firm handle on my freelance writing, as well as resuming my ever unfinished novel. And perhaps grad school, if any MFA programs will have me 🙂

    I feel good about this day, this year now. Thanks.

  2. Come on in and keep swimming! A book always starts with a leap of faith.

  3. Andrew Z says:

    I’m going to finish my e-book by July 15! And yes, I’m gonna have to dive in while doing it.

    I often have to silence that nasty voice that says “are kidding me? Read that last sentence you just wrote–it’s HORRIBLE. You can’t write. Who’s gonna read this. You should go watch TV instead.”

    Diving in… yes indeed.

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