Change Everything

Photo by stevecadman (Creative Commons)

The 9-5 grind can feel mundane and dull. A tuna fish sandwich when the taste buds crave chicken parmesan. Many moments pass by, but  none stand out. Want to know what the problem is? You. Yes, YOU are part of the problem. An attitude realignment is needed. Encouragement is needed. We need each other; I need you and you need me.

Even if you are having a lousy day, you still have the power to CHANGE someone’s world right now. You can offer a word of encouragement, a smile or an ear to LISTEN. 

Just apply this to the workplace. How does employee morale not improve? You will want to go to work. Less sick days are used. Productivity is up. Smiles. Laughter. Friendships.

Obviously there will be tough times; life is not always ‘smores and Kumbaya around the campfire. Pain is a constant part of life. Encouragement and kindness is always needed.

Last summer when U2 performed in Nashville, Bono saw a sign that read “Blind Guitarist, Bring Me Up”.  Bono brought him up on stage to play a song with the band. Bono also gave the guitarist his own personal guitar. The most amazing part of the story is this: this was after the last song in the set. The show was supposed to be over. Bono was tired. The rest of the band was tired. Could you have blamed Bono for not wanting to sing another song? The graciousness of U2 changed this guitarist’s life forever.

To change the world, put yourself out there and help others.

You will also help yourself  too.

About jimwoodswrites
I write books, help other writers create great content, and challenge you to crush the status quo as a coach.

9 Responses to Change Everything

  1. Joe Bunting says:

    This is such a wonderful post, Jim. I love these second-person posts of yours. Almost as if you’re speaking to yourself as well as us.

  2. LarryTheDeuce says:

    As the writer of Ecclesiastes says, “Vanity, vanity, all is vanity.” He felt that life was mundane. What isn’t mundane is people. In the midst of the mundane, there they are. Great post.

  3. Jamie Kocur says:

    But it’s easier to be miserable and complain a lot! Why are you challenging me? Thanks for the punch in the gut man…

  4. Thanks for bringing this back around to the workplace. I’m hustling for a cause, but the 9-5 is where morale is hurting. Good reminder that I can be the agent of change there, too.

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